Friday, December 13, 2002

Kevin Miller over at De Virtuibus points to this article by M. Novak

Providentially, it is better for the Catholic community that the worst abuses come to light now, all at once, so that no one will ever doubt how bad things have been, or fail to gauge their exact dimensions. One day, comparisons will be made with other institutions in Boston and elsewhere. Even if many recent procedures have been unjust, still, this is a wound that the Catholic community gave itself. It can be blamed on no one else...

Do you agree with me, that we all have reason to stand accused in our own consciences for our role in abetting, and refusing to confront, the "sexual revolution" of the last 40 years? It was not only the Catholic clergy that was at fault. So also were we, the laity.

May God have mercy on us all.


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